Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My nephews!

I was uploading and organizing pics and it made me realize I have a ton of pics of my adorable nephews, so I decided to do a post dedicated to them. Nicholas just turned two and James will be one in April, they both bring so much joy to our lives!  So allow me to brag a little on two of my favorite little men.

James at 2 months, back in June.

Nicholas chowing down on some bananas!

Uncle Michael and James.

This pic is kind of dark, but to cute not to share.  Bella's buddy!

Another Soccer playing Roman. Nicholas at one of Uncle Michael's soccer games.

Such a sweet boy!

Brownie, nom nom!

James looking cute as ever.

Very proud Aunt and Uncle!

I can barely handle the cuteness!

Being an Aunt to these boys is so much fun!  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Anniversary trip part 2!

If you missed part 1 go here to get caught up.

We woke up the next morning and headed back downstairs to the restaurant for the breakfast buffet!  I really should not be allowed at buffets because I lack self control and when you have the amazing spread that this place did, lets just say I might have overindulged!  

My handsome groom at breakfast!

After breakfast we decided to head back to the main house and get some pics outside that we didn't get the day before.

And of course we can't go very long without acting foolish!


More foolishness

Man we are cool.

The last thing we decided to do was to take the shuttle to Antler Hill, which is a little "village" with shops, restaurants and the winery(woot woot).  We were told they had a complimentary wine tasting so we were all over that!  I was thinking since it was free it probably wouldn't be much to talk about, but boy oh boy was I wrong.  The lady helping us pulled out a list with close to 15-20 different wines and said "lets just go down the list", we were like "OK!"  So we sampled eachone and then our favorites a few more times, it was freaking awesome!  Let's just say 20 minutes later I was feeling pretty slap happy, so I suggested we go grab some lunch and maybe walk it off haha! I highly suggest the wine tasting, they will let you try as much wine as you want, I guess their idea is to get you drunk so your judgement is impaired and you do a little drunk shopping!  I am proud to say we didn't buy anything, haha you can't get us!

Yep, slap happy!

And this is me, I will find an animal anywhere I go even if it is fake!

We decided  to walk down to the barn where they had live animals.  So here is a little fact about me, I L-O-V-E animals, so if there is any chance of me getting to see or even pet an animal I am all about that!  Much to my delight you could walk right up to all the animals, they had chickens, goats and two huge draft horses(my fav).  Out of all the things we did those two days: the fancy hotel, champagne, gourmet dinner..... the farm animals were my favorite thing! I'm not hard to please stick me in a petting zoo and I am one happy girl!

Sweet love!

Goats just chillin.

So I have to say I love animals, except roosters! Hens are fine but roosters, well I have terrifying memories of these little demons!  When I was younger there was a rooster that lived on our land that we affectionately named Cujo and for good reason, this evil creature used to chase me home from the school bus everyday (insert visual of dorky blonde little girl running full speed through a field book bag and all) laughing yet? So yeah I'm not a big fan of roosters, and of course they were just walking around freely, thankfully this one resisted the urge to chase me!

Once we I sobered up, we decided it was time to head home,  I was sad to leave our romantic getaway but I could not wait to get home to my furry little girl who I was missing terribly!  Most people's dogs have separation anxiety from their owners, no I have separation anxiety from my dog.  Bella on the other hand could care a less that we were gone, she was being spoiled by her pops and chillin with her BFF Daisy.  Little did we know that our family and friends had a little something up their sleeve and had planned a surprise going away party for Michael and I.  So when we arrived home we were greeted by the people we love most, it was such a good time and a perfect ending to our wonderful trip!  We truly have the best family and we are so grateful!  And that's it for our anniversary trip, thank you so much babe it was an awesome getaway, I am so thankful to be married to such and amazing man and my best friend, I love you!  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Anniversary trip Part 1

Michael and I's 4th wedding anniversary was back on January 3rd.  To celebrate Michael planned a surprise  trip to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville since neither of us had ever been.  I have a million pics to share because it was absolutely beautiful so I'm going to split them up into two posts, but be prepared it is going to be a pic overload!

We left first thing in the morning on our anniversary and keep in mind I had no clue where we were headed, this would bother most but I love love love surprises so I was beyond thrilled to be left in the dark. We stopped for some grub on the way out and what better way to start off the celebration than with breakfast from Chick Fil A!
A chicken biscuit toast to 4 years of wedded bliss!

We arrived in Asheville around 11am and that's when I realized where we were going, what I didn't know is that we would be staying at the only hotel on the Estate property, the The Inn on Biltmore Estate! Oh my goodness this place was gorgeous, we checked in and then jumped on a shuttle to the Biltmore house.  You would think that it would just be a quick maybe five minute ride, guess again!  I had no idea that the Estate property is thousands of acres so it was more like a 15 minute ride, it was really neat because the shuttle driver gave all the history behind the Estate and the Vanderbilt family.  They did a really good job of building the suspense as you are climbing the drive way to the house, so when we finally did reach the top and turned the corner to enter the gate to the house it really does kind of take your breath away!  It is huge and just incredible to see in person! So we jumped out and started exploring!  No cameras are allowed inside the home, so I don't have any pics, we did the tour with the audio recorders which you basically walked around with a little cell phone looking thing that you hold up to your ear and it gives you history and facts about each room you enter.  I'm not going to lie we looked like dorky tourists walking around with our little handsets but hey everyone else had them so I guess that made it better haha!
Once we finished our tour we headed outside to take some pics and explore the gardens. The views were amazing and the gardens well lets just say the phrase of the day was "I bet this is beautiful in the spring" haha, they still were pretty cool and that just means we need to go back and visit in the spring, hint hint hubby.

Pretty impressive!

Everything the light touches!

Some of the Gardens

The hubs checking it all out!

Once we were done exploring for the day we hopped back on the shuttle and headed back to the Inn to relax and get ready for dinner.  To be totally honest after seeing the lobby earlier that morning I was more than anxious to see our room, and I was not disappointed   Our room was gorgeous and the views were breathtaking.  

Robes and slippers, What?!?

A little bit of bubbly and an amazing view!

We set our bags down and decided to do a little exploring around the Inn, the grounds were gorgeous as well so I wanted to get some pics.

The back of the Inn

The sun was starting to set!

A bet this is more enjoyable in the spring haha!

Once I had taken all the pics I wanted we headed back to our room, to relax drink some bubbly and get ready for dinner.  Funny story when I was opening the Champagne clearly I wasn't thinking and was moving the bottle around trying to wipe the condensation off the bottle and nearly shot myself in the face with the cork, it was rather entertaining to say the least.

Oh la la!

And the aftermath

After a couple glasses of champagne and some relaxing we got dressed and headed to dinner.  We had reservations at the restaurant in the Hotel so all we had to do was hop on the elevator!  Dinner was de freaking licious I tell you!! Both Michael and I had the lobster and Filet, so good! Once dinner was finished the hubs and I headed to the lobby where they had live music, we relaxed by the fire for a little while and then headed back to our room to turn in for the night.
Michael enjoying dinner.

Our dessert

Cozy fire!

Just being our usual dorky selves!

So that's it for part 1, stay tuned for part 2!

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