Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas card 2012!

I have done a photo Christmas card every year since we got married, my ultimate plan is to put them all together in a scrap book so we can look back on them but I have yet to do that ha ha.  This year is definitely my favorite to date, thanks to Jordan we got some great pics!  I made ours on Shutterfly and I was really pleased with the final product!  So here is our card this year! (I don't have access to a scanner so it is a pic of our card)





  1. Stopping by from Kelly's link up. What a precious card! Miss Bella is one pretty puppy, too. Merry Christmas to y'all!

  2. Cute! We didn't do Christmas cards {photo ones} before kids and I wish we would have!

    1. Thank you! I'm definitely glad we have stuck with it, it will be so fun to look back on. :)

  3. Stopping by from Kelly' the picture on the back!

  4. That is very cute. I love the pic of you both kissing that adorable dog! Merry Christmas!

  5. Tammie @
    Over from Kelly's Korner and I wanted to say that you have a cute card and I love the idea of yearly Christmas cards. My daughter does that for her family, but she also puts the photo cards that she receives she puts them on a ring yearly and puts them on her stand for all to look at. Happy Holidays to all!


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