Thursday, December 19, 2013

Weeek 14

How far along: 14 weeks, hello second trimester!

Size of Baby: June bug is the size of a lemon

Maternity clothes: Not yet, I'm just in that awkward phase where my regular clothes are getting to snug but I'm not near big enough for maternity clothes.  My Mom got me a Bella band, which is basically a stretchy piece of fabric you wear over the waist of your pants and you can have them unbuttoned and no one can notice, so I tried that out the other night and it was awesome! I can still button my pants but if I am going to eat a big meal or be sitting for a long time they definitely get uncomfortable.

Gender: Don't know yet, we will find out at the end of January.  I really have no idea what it is, a lot of people think it's a boy however I have had two dreams that it's a girl.  So I guess we will see.

Movement: Nope, I have been told it will probably be a few weeks.  Although June Bug was extremely active during our last ultrasound so maybe it will happen sooner, I hope so!

Sleep: Pretty darn good!  I would say I really haven't had any trouble sleeping ever since I found out I was pregnant.

What I miss: If you asked me this a week ago I would have said nothing.  However we went out last weekend with some friends to a local wine bar and the waitress was describing all the different proseccos and I was real sad haha! It's all worth it though, and now that I am in my second trimester and all the yucky symptoms of the fist trimester are ending I really don't miss much at all.

Cravings: None really, although I do have to indulge in some french fries at least once a week.

Symptoms: Not to many, all the first trimester annoyances are pretty much gone and my energy is coming back.  The only annoying thing is the excessive saliva, I know how gross?

Favorite moment from this week:  Officially being in my second trimester, and finally sharing the news with the world!!!

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